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Presentation themes

The following themes are presented at the conference for which you may prepare your abstract. You will be required to indicate the theme for which you are submitting your abstracts

  • Clothing, textiles, and new technologies
  • Food and nutrition
  • Consumer behaviour and decision making
  • Sustainability and globalisation
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Hospitality management
  • Education/teaching and learning in Consumer Sciences/Studies/Home economics
  • Family and related social issues
  • Community engagement and outreach
  • Housing and interior
  • Home economics 
Important dates:

Abstract submissions open: 10 July 2023

Abstract submission deadline: Extended deadline 21 September 2023

Acceptance/Rejection notification: 30 November 2023

Registration and Payment: To be announced

Full paper submission:  To be announced


These notifications will be sent out via e-mail, Facebook and Twitter, but will also be posted on the website, so please do keep visiting the website for details, as well as all our social media sites


Abstract criteria for submission of concluded studies

Abstracts are submitted electronically via the submission page on the conference web page, please come back at a later date (on the website), in August when the abstracts should be submitted to click on the link to submit your abstract online.  In the meantime, please do work on it and save it on your laptop/PC.

If you intend to present completed research, then you abstract should meet the following criteria  (Formatting: Arial 11, 1.5 Line spacing): 

  1. Title of the research, not exceeding 20 words.
  2. Keywords, maximum six, that are different from the title of the research to allow for easy detection of your work. These can be single words or double words.
  3. Abstract should be between 500-700 words.
  4. Introduction, in which a brief background of the research is given, the problem is stated, and the purpose or aim of the research is emphasised.
  5. Methodology, where a brief description of the methodology used in the research is provided. Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method research is accepted.
  6. Results/Findings and Discussion section should give a brief overview of the main findings.
  7. Conclusions, Recommendations and Contributions of the research should be presented as the final section of the abstract. The conclusions should present the general interpretation of the research, with specific contributions highlighted from the study. Recommendations should be related to future research and implementation by manufacturers, government, policy, education, or any related field that may benefit from the study’s outcome. 
  8. References referred to in the abstract should be included following the Harvard reference style. Limit references to a maximum of ten.

Abstract criteria for submission of research-in progress or best practice

NB: Students who wish to present their ‘incomplete’ research can do so, if they have already had their research proposals vetted and received ethical clearance for their projects, and or are further with their project, but have not yet passed their dissertations.  

Abstracts for proposals and work in progress should include a title, key words, introduction methodology, preliminary results (if available) and references.


Abstracts for best practice should provide a title and description of the work to be presented.

  1. In addition to the above guidelines, also note the following (applicable to both options):
  2. The content of the abstract should not be less than 500 words or more than 700 words. The words ‘introduction’, ‘methodology’, ‘results’ etc. should not be included in your abstract. The reference list is submitted separately and is not included in the word count.
  3. Do not include any tables or figures in the abstract. 
  4. At least one author of the abstract should be registered to attend the conference for the presentation to be included in the conference programme. Failure to register will result in the abstract being withdrawn from the programme. Additional authors who will be attending the conference should register for the conference.
  5. All authors contributing to the work submitted in the abstract should be included in the electronic submission.
  6. The presenting author of the oral presentation should be indicated

Abstract review

  • Abstracts will be reviewed through a blind review process, after which the committee will consider the review.
  • The committee reserves the right to accept or reject any abstract or recommend the abstract for another theme.
  • Authors may be requested to revise abstracts and are expected to resubmit the corrected version for approval.
  • All presenting authors will be informed in writing of the acceptance of their abstracts with guidelines for the submission of papers. 


For abstract enquiries contact: Prof Corrie du Preez. dupreezc@unizulu.ac.za

 Or alternatively

Prof Annchen Mielmann Annchen.mielmann@nwu.ac.za

For any other SAAFECS conference or general SAAFECS related queries, please email Saafecs.org@gmail.com