SAAFECS was founded in 1998
About Us
THE SOUTH AFRICAN ASSOCIATION OF FAMILY ECOLOGY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES (SAAFECS) is a professional association composed of scholars, educators, and students in the discipline of Consumer Sciences.
This discipline includes various areas of specialisation focusing on Food, Nutrition, Fashion and Clothing, Interior Design and Merchandising, Consumer Journalism and Hospitality Management. This discipline covers two different perspectives:
(a) to enlighten, educate and advise the consumer or individual and
(b) to consider the consumer as part of a larger economic and social environment where decisions are made, products are bought and an exchange of information and resources takes place.
This particular discipline places the consumer in an environment where personal decisions about their health, well-being and lifestyle, through the consumption and purchase of such items as food and clothing or services that are used, are made.
It is here where other disciplines practiced by nutritionists, dieticians, family ecologists and others find a useful link with the interests of the Consumer Scientists at SAAFECS.
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This approach deviates from Home Economics to the extent that Consumer Sciences places focus on how the consumer operates within the larger economic paradigm and not on a smaller individual or family system; although the consumer does function within these environments. This means that the decisions consumers’ make, rely on knowledge about nutrition, food, textiles and many other areas which will influence their choice of product, the way they are influenced and their decision to purchase.
Consumer Science is interested in determining where consumers lack knowledge to make responsible decisions regarding healthy living and how consumer education can assist in narrowing these gaps. Consumer Sciences also understands the behaviour consumers apply during their decision processes and this may guide product development.
Overall, Consumer Sciences is a more market driven discipline aimed at understanding the consumer, assisting in informing the consumer and helping manufacturers and industry make appropriate and well-informed consumer product decisions that would be to the benefit of the consumer whether it is to assist healthy food choices, more economic purchasing decisions or just to be an informed and responsible citizen.
This is what makes Consumer Sciences unique, as it is a discipline that strengthens both the consumer and the larger market driven environment.
by EL Kempen
Our Mission
As a Professional association, we act as a forum in South Africa to:
• Promote Consumer Sciences as an integrated scientific discipline and profession.
• Support the continuation of Consumer Science and Home Economics within and beyond the boundaries of South Africa.
• Improve contact amongst and enhancing expertise of members.
• Pro-actively advocate the quality of life of individuals, families, communities and consumers.
• Expand the Consumer Science discipline nationally and internationally.
• Improve and contribute to the continuation of Consumer Studies at secondary educational institutions as well as the empowerment of educators in Consumer Studies and related educational fields.

Executive Committee
Dr. Adri Du Toit
(President of SAAFECS)
specialises in teacher education and curriculum development at the Faculty of Education of the North-West University.
She graduated with a PhD in Consumer Sciences in 2018. Her focus is on preparing teachers for Consumer Studies education in the Further Education and Training phase, and Technology (as a school subject) in the Senior Phase of the South African school curriculum.
To attain this goal, she conducts and publishes research regarding pedagogical and curriculum issues in these two subject areas.
She is passionate about and currently concentrating on developing entrepreneurship education in both these school subjects, with the aim of contributing to the preparation of learners for a world where they will increasingly have to create their own employment or income-generating opportunities.
She enjoys collaborating with researchers from across the globe but particularly with academics that share the challenges and delights of education on the African continent.
Dr Lorna Truter
(Vice-President; Webmaster)
is a senior lecturer in the Department of Life and Consumer Sciences at UNISA. After obtaining her PhD in Consumer Sciences in 2018, she completed a Masters degree in Open Distance Learning from the University of Maryland University College and UNISA in 2019 paving the way for research opportunities in distance education.
Her research focus is on sustainability practices related to consumer behaviour (specifically related to consientious consumption), as well as the African pedagogies that promotes self-determined learning for students.
She also has a strong interest in decolonial education for Africa making her research multi-disciplinary in nature.
She collaborates with various researchers from the Global North to the Global South aiming to promote a multi-disciplinary approach to the African voice in academia.
Dr. Mariette Strydom
is a lecturer in the Department of Life and Consumer Sciences at the University of South Africa. She completed her PhD in Consumer Sciences in 2019 at the University of South Africa (UNISA).
Her research focus is apparel product design and development with special interest in small scale design, development and production, sustainable apparel entrepreneurship and related consumer behaviour.
She is passionate about empowering women for sustainable entrepreneurship opportunities in the apparel industry of emerging economies.
Ms. Reba Motlogelwa
(Social Media & Marketing Coordinator)
Holds the position of Hospitality Management Lecturer in the Department of Life and Consumer Sciences at the University of South Africa.
She is currently registered for a Doctor of Management Sciences in Food Operations Management qualification. Her research focus is star grading and quality management in the South African accommodation sector.
Reba completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Education and has student teaching experience in contact and open distance learning environment.
Ms Cheryldene Moodly
serves as a lecturer in the Clothing Retail Management department within the Department of Consumer and Food Sciences at the University of Pretoria. She earned her Masters in Consumer Science from Unisa in 2020 and has just completed her PhD in the same field. With a Bachelor of Technology degree and a National Diploma in Fashion Design, she possesses a diverse skill set that spans across Clothing Retail Management. Her research is concentrated on sustainable clothing consumption, examining consumer behavior and advocating for mindful clothing practices. Through her doctoral studies, she aimed to construct a consumer value framework for Sustainable Fashion tailored to the South African context. She is passionate about sustainability and mindful consumption with the intention to spread knowledge regarding these matters accordingly.
Tshinakaho Nyathela-Sunday
(Additional Member)
is a Senior Lecturer at Cape Town Hotel School, Faculty of Business and Management Sciences, Cape Peninsula University of Technology. The portfolio, among others, includes a research and internationalisation coordinator. She graduated with a Doctorate from Vaal University of Technology (VUT). During her research studies journey, she was awarded the Hubs and Spokes scholarship and participated in the South Africa Netherlands Research Programme (SANPAD). She was an assistant researcher at the Centre of Sustainable Livelihoods (CSL). She has worked in various universities and the hospitality sector across South Africa. She serves on various internal and external institutional committees and reviews academic journals. She has attended and presented at several international conferences in South Africa and abroad, hosted seminars, and published several articles. Her strength lies in people’s engagement and management, analytical skills, emotional intelligence, and hard work, to mention a few. She advocates for success through motivation and assisting people in identifying their purpose and focus. Her passion lies in the advancement and career development of others
Mr Niel Muller
(Additional Member)
is a part time lecturer in the Department of Consumer and Food Science at the University of Pretoria, as well as at the Department of Marketing, Supply Chain and Sports Management at the Tshwane University of Technology.
He combines his interest in design principles, aesthetics, marketing and business operations with his commitment to fostering knowledge in both contact and online educational settings.
He is currently completing his Doctorate at the University of Pretoria, where his research explores gender differentiation in consumer perceptions of South African clothing retailers’ corporate social responsibility initiatives.
His academic journey is complemented as he is a qualified graphic designer, where he merges business objectives with creative execution. Niels’ passion extends into empowering students with practical skills and theoretical knowledge, aimed at innovating and advancing the field of consumer sciences.
Ms. Cate (Makwena) Molotja
(Administrative Officer)
started to work at a University as a research assistant, a lecturer and is now a manager in student support programmes.
She studied at the University of Pretoria and obtained a Bachelor of Home Economics, BInstAgrar (Hons), and a Master’s in Consumer Science. She further holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Rural Development from the University of Venda and a National Diploma in Human resources from the University of South Africa.
Cate is a dedicated professional who likes challenging tasks and will do her best to accomplish a given task. She is passionate about research that focuses on food security and nutrition education and plans to do more work on nutrition awareness and education for children.
Cate is driven by the values of hard work, dedication, perseverance, integrity and excellency.
Prof Marike Venter de Villiers
(Additional member)
Prof Marike Venter de Villiers is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the University of the Witwatersrand. She is a creative-minded individual with a keen interest in consumer psychology and sustainability within the clothing and textiles industry. She completed her PhD in Business Sciences in 2016 from the University of the Witwatersrand where she has been teaching and conducting research since 2011. She is a former Head of Department for Marketing at the School of Business Sciences (Wits). Her passion lies in understanding consumer decision-making and factors that drive pro-environmental behaviour, with the aim of developing a more sustainable circular economy in the fashion industry. Other research interests include sensory marketing, retail management, fashion marketing, social marketing, and emerging markets.
What is new?
WIL Indaba: University of Zululand: 18 - 20 September 2024
We are pleased to invite you to the inaugural WIL Indaba, hosted by the University of Zululand's Departments of Recreation and Tourism, alongside the Department of Consumer Science. This significant event will take place from September 18th to 20th, 2024, and will bring together academics, industry leaders, government representatives, civil society, and students to explore the intricacies of Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) and to develop a cohesive WIL framework.
The WIL Indaba addresses the ongoing misalignment between academia and industry. This essential dialogue aims to align industry expectations with academic instruction and ensure that funding for WIL initiatives is utilized effectively and diligently.
Virtual attendance option Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/99790399812
Agenda Overview:
- Day 1: Focus on Curriculum – Africanization, Artificial Intelligence (AI), University-Industry Collaborative Engagements
- Day 2: Focus on WIL Guidelines and Practice Framework
- Day 3: Student Indaba, Focus on the Student Voice
We look forward to your participation and the opportunity to engage with you directly. Please feel free to contact Ms Anele Sibisi at: sibisia@unizulu.ac.za
22nd ARAHE Biennial International Congress
The 22nd ARAHE Biennial International Congress will be held on 7-10 August 2025 * Manila, Philippines
For more information, please visit the website: https://www.pathescu.org/
2024 Nutrition congress
Please see the Save the Date attached for the 2024 Nutrition Congress.
The congress will be held 2-4 October 2024 at the Elangeni Hotel, Durban.
The call for abstracts is open until 18 March 2024 on the congress website www.nutritioncongress.co.za
Research & Publications